We are pleased to release the 80th (Nov 2013) edition of ezine PreSense. Broadly this edition contains the following:
1. Man of the Month (Cover Story) on 'Viswanathan Anand deserves Bharat Ratna';
2. Interesting facts about Bharat Ratna Award;
3. Ancient Indian wisdom - Chaturanga;
4. Historical events relating to November - BBC starting transmission in Nov 1922 - Interesting facts about BBC'
5. No PRince cartoon in this month - See the funny cartoon sent by Triambak Sharma giving the reason for not contributing the cartoon;
6. Bharat Ratna controversy - Sachin Tendulkar and Dr CNR Rao in controversy;
7. Ignited Minds: Suresh Kamath, an Award winning software designer and CEO turned teacher - Inspiring story;
and many more. The ezine may also be downloaded (670k in pdf) from
This is one of the milestone issues. This is the 80th edition. Editorial team thanks all readers for their sustained support and guidance.
Please share the ezine with your contacts and also send us your feedback.