Editorial Team of eMagazine PreSense is pleased to release the 140th (October 2018) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following contents:
1. Editorial: Prime Point Srinivasan examines the reasons behind the criticisms against Indian Judiciary for their latest judgements.
2. Cover Story : Sukruti Narayanan writes on the impact of #MeToo movement globally and in India.
3. Nation: V Rajendran writes on the the preference of traditional media in India.
4. Astronomy : Dr R jagannathan writes on the interesting facts about Sun.
5. Politics : Prime Point Srinivasan writes on the workshop conducted by your eMagazine PreSense and Sansad Ratna Awards Committee to the NextGen Political leaders.
6. Triambak's usual Prince cartoon.
and many more
The ezine may also be downloaded from
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