Editorial Team is pleased to release the 145th (March 2019) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following contents:
PreSense congratulates Indian Scientists for making every Indian proud through Mission Sakthi.
1. Editorial : Susan Koshy writes on the need of our exercising our constitutional duty by voting in the coming General Elections 2019 to elect 17th Lok Sabha.
2. Cover Story: Prime Point Srinivasan writes on the impact of social media in the 2019 General Elections. He analyses whether social media would be the gamer changer.
3. Nation: Doordarshan, our National broadcaster celebrates 60th Anniversary shortly. T N Ashok interviews exclusively Ms Supriya Sahu IAS, Director General of Doordarshan.
4. International : Dr R Jagannathan writes on the Global scenario of School Education.
5. Technology : V Rajendran writes on 'Digital disputes'.
6. Triambak Sharma's Prince cartoon.
The eMagazine may also be downloaded from the link.
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