We are pleased to release the 74th edition (May 2013) of our ezine PreSense. This edition contains the following:
1. Man of the month (Cover Story) on Mr Vinod Rai, the recently retired CAG of India;
2. Historical events relating to May - Indian Cinema 100 (with rare photos);
3. Ancient Indian wisdom - Aryabhata, greatest mathematician and astronomer of ancient India;
4. Controversy - IPL Gate (PRince cartoon also on the same theme);
5. Dr Abdul Kalam receiving the world's prestigious Von Braun Award at USA;
6. From the archives of ezine (May 2007) - Media relations during crisis by T N Ashok and Tushar;
7. Ignited Minds - The interesting story of CH Sekar, who was refused US visa for higher studies, turning out to be a role-model MLA;
8. Tips to handle social media, to avoid 'information harvesting'.
Editorial team is confident that the readers will continue to enjoy this May edition also. Please send us your feedback.
The ezine may be downloaded from the following link in pdf format (610k).
We are happy to inform you that our next edition is the Platinum Jubilee edition (75th edition). We humbly thank our readers for the sustained support to us in bringing out the highly qualitative ezine every month. If you have any suggestion to make for inclusion in the 75th edition, please share with us at editor@corpezine.com.