Showing posts with label parliament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parliament. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

214th (Dec 2024) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial on the Ruckus in Parliam3ent + Cover Story on Grooming leaders to corporates and politics + Tribute to Dr Manmohan Singh + Wall paintings, India's legacy + Freedom fighter Yogendra Shukla + Hackathon Certificates + Prince cartoon

214th (Dec 2024) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial on the Ruckus in Parliam3ent + Cover Story on Grooming leaders to corporates and politics + Tribute to Dr Manmohan Singh + Wall paintings, India's legacy + Freedom fighter Yogendra Shukla + Hackathon Certificates + Prince cartoon

On behalf of the Editorial Board, I am happy to release the 214th (Dec 2024) edition, which has great content for you.  

On behalf of the Editorial Board, I would like to wish all the readers a very happy and prosperous New Year 2025.

I am also happy to announce that from January 2005 onwards, Shri Ramesh Sundaram, currently the editor-in-chief of PreSense, will take over as Joint Managing Editor. Shri C Badri, currently the Consulting Editor, will take over as editor-in-chief. Both of them have rich experience in their respective domains.  

We are also planning to include a few Media and Journalism students for three months to train them in Digital Journalism. This will be a continuous process, and these students will also be issued certificates. 

Dec 2024 Edition  

The recently concluded Winter Session of Parliament caused great disappointment for the entire nation. We are publishing an editorial on this shameful act.

Today, the whole world, including India, is facing a leadership crisis in corporates and politics. The Cover Story analyses the importance of grooming leaders, challenges, and solutions.

Other Highlights

Prince cartoon

Tributes to Dr Manmohan Singh

Ancient Indian Wisdom: Wall paintings

Hackathon for students

Review of Dec 2009 edition of PreSense

Freedom fighter of India: Yogendra Shukla

I am confident that readers will enjoy reading this edition, too. Kindly send your feedback to  so that our Editorial Board can examine your suggestions. Please share this edition with your friends. I will catch up with you next month with more varied content.

The edition may be downloaded from the link

Saturday, August 31, 2024

210th (August 2024) edition of eMagazine PreSense Editorial: Crime against women | Cover Story: Waqf Amendment Bill 2024 | Report on Felicitation event | Announcement of Sansad Ratna Jury Committee | Review of Parliament Session | Tribal Art - Pattachitra | Freedom fighter Rash Behari Bose | Jesus' Leadership | Prince cartoon

210th (August 2024) edition of eMagazine PreSense Editorial: Crime against women | Cover Story: Waqf Amendment Bill 2024 | Report on Felicitation event | Announcement of Sansad Ratna Jury Committee | Review of Parliament Session | Tribal Art - Pattachitra | Freedom fighter Rash Behari Bose | Jesus' Leadership | Prince cartoon
I am pleased to release the 210th (Aug 2024) edition of PreSense with its rich content. On behalf of PreSense, I greet the readers for the 78th Independence Day celebrations. 

The nation has witnessed a horrifying incident of rape and murder of a young doctor in Kolkata.  After the Nirbhaya incident in 2012, this incident has drawn the attention of the entire nation.  Civil society across the country protested in the streets.  Even the Supreme Court of India has taken up this issue suo moto.   We have written an editorial on the ‘crime against women’ in India, comparing it with other countries globally.

Recently, the Indian Government introduced a Waqf Amendment Bill 2024, which has generated controversy and debate. This bill has also been referred to the Joint Parliamentary Committee for scrutiny. Our cover story deals with this in detail.

Other Highlights of this issue:

Triambak’s Prince cartoon

Freedom fighter Rash Behari Bose

Review of PreSense August 2009 issue

Susan’s Musings on Jesus and his leadership

Tribal Arts - Pattachitra of Eastern India

Felicitation function organised by Sansad Ratna Committee

Jury Committee for the Sansad Ratna Awards of the 18th Lok Sabha

A quick review of Parliament sessions

The eMagazine may be downloaded from this link 

I am confident that readers will enjoy reading this edition, too. Kindly send your feedback to  so that our Editorial Board can examine your suggestions. Please share this edition with your friends. I will catch up with you next month with more varied content.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

202nd (Dec 2023) Edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial on Parliament ruckus and suspension of 146 MPs + Cover Story on the impact of recent Assembly Elections 2023 + Anjali Mudra + Technology and Entertainment + Press and Registration Act 2023 + Freedom fighter Helen Lepcha + Review of PreSense Dec 2008 edition + Triambak's Prince cartoon + Announcement about Sansad Maha Ratna Awards

202nd (Dec 2023) Edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial on Parliament ruckus and suspension of 146 MPs + Cover Story on the impact of recent Assembly Elections 2023 + Anjali Mudra + Technology and Entertainment + Press and Registration Act 2023 + Freedom fighter Helen Lepcha + Review of PreSense Dec 2008 edition + Triambak's Prince cartoon + Announcement about Sansad Maha Ratna Awards

On behalf of the Editorial Board, I wish all the readers a very happy and prosperous New  Year 2024. I am also pleased to release the  202nd (Dec 2023)  edition of PreSense with rich content.
Highlights of this issue:

Triambak's Prince cartoon
Editorial: Prime Point Srinivasan writes on the Rucks in Parliament and the suspension of 146 MPs.
Cover Story: Well-known political analyst JVC Sreeram shares the impact of the recent Assembly Elections 2023.
Susan’s Musings – Anjali Mudra
Announcement about Sansad Maha Ratna Awards by Priyadharshni Rahul
From the archives – Sakthi Prasanna reviews the  Dec 2008 edition of PreSense
Media:  Ramesh Sundaram reviews the  Press and Registration Act 2023
Freedom Fighter: C Badri writes on Helen Lepcha of Sikkim
Guest Column: Sukruti Narayanan writes on the Technology and Entertainment

The  edition may be downloaded from  

I am confident that readers will enjoy reading this edition too. Kindly send your feedback to so that our Editorial Board can examine your suggestions.  Please share this edition with your friends. I will catch up with you next month with more varied content.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

195th (May 2023) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial z; Lessons to be learnt from the Karnataka Assembly elections 2023 + Cover Story: The untold story of Sengol, the symbol of Indian culture and tradition + Ancient Indian Wisdom: Sankalpa Mantra and age of the earth + Prince cartoon + many more

195th (May 2023) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial z; Lessons to be learnt from the Karnataka Assembly elections 2023 + Cover Story: The untold story of Sengol, the symbol of Indian culture and tradition + Ancient Indian Wisdom: Sankalpa Mantra and age of the earth + Prince cartoon + many more

 We are pleased to release the 195th (May 2023) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following content.

1.  Editorial: Prime Point Srinivasan analyses the impact of Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023 and the lessons to be leant by the political parties.
2.  Cover Story: Prime Point Srinivasan writes on the untold story of Sengol, the symbol of Indian tradition and culture.
3.  Ancient Indian Wisdom:  Ramesh Sundaram writes on the Sankalpa Mantra and the age of the earth.
4.  Prince cartoon by Triambak Sharma

and many more

The eMagazine may also be downloaded from the link

I am confident that readers will enjoy reading this edition too. Kindly send your feedback to, so that our Editorial Board can examine your suggestions. Please share this edition with your friends. I will catch up with you next month with more varied content.

Monday, May 31, 2021

171st (May 2021) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial: Media and politicians should not create panic + Cover Sotry: Covid Version 2.0 + Discussion on new IT Rules 2021 + 15th Anniversary of PreSense and launch of ebook + Review of Parliament function upto Budget Session 2021 + Exclusive interview with Shri Shrirang Appa Barne MP and many more


171st (May 2021) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial: Media and politicians should not create panic + Cover Sotry: Covid Version 2.0 + Discussion on new IT Rules 2021 + 15th Anniversary of PreSense and launch of ebook + Review of Parliament function upto Budget Session 2021 + Exclusive interview with Shri Shrirang Appa Barne MP and many more

171st (May 2021) edition of eMagazine PreSense | Editorial: Media and politicians should not create panic + Cover Sotry: Covid Version 2.0 + Discussion on new IT Rules 2021 + 15th Anniversary of PreSense and launch of ebook + Review of Parliament function upto Budget Session 2021 + Exclusive interview with Shri Shrirang Appa Barne MP and many more

On behalf of Editorial Team, we are pleased to release the 171st (May 2021) edition of PreSense broadly with the following subjects.

we are also pleased to announce that your eMagazine PreSense has completed 15 years and has entered 16th year.  During this occassion, we have also brought out an ebook titled "PreSense Speaks on Communication, Journalism and Perception Management", a compilation of articles published on these subjects in the past 15 years.  You may download the ebook free of cost from the link given in the current issue of PreSense.

Editorial : K. Srinivasan explains as to how media and politicians create panic during this pandemic period.

Cover Story : T N Ashok writes on the Covide Version 2.0

Report :  V. Rajendran writes on the video discussion on the new IT rules 2021 governing the social media OTT platforms. 

Special Report : 15th Anniversary of eMagazine PreSense and launch of ebook on communication.

National : K. Srinivasan reviews the performance of Parliamen up to the end of Budget 2021 Session.

Interview :  Shrirang Appa Barne, MP representing Maval (Maharashtra) constituency explains his services to the covid affected people in his constituency in conversation with Priyadharshni Rahul.

Triambak Sharma's Prince cartoon.

This edition may be downloaded from the following link.

We are confident that you will continue to enjoy this edition too.  Please share this edition with your contacts.  Please send us your feedback to

Thursday, April 1, 2021

169th (March 2021) edition of eMagazine PreSense: Editorial on the urgent need for Electoral Reforms + 11th edition of Sansad Ratna Awards + 12 years of journey of Sansad Ratna Awards


11th edition of sansad ratna awards - 169th (March 2021) edition of eMagazine PreSense

We are pleased to attach herewith the 169th (March 2021) edition.

 11th Edition of Sansad Ratna Awards was held at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi.  Ten top performing Parliamentarians were honoured with Sansad Ratna Awards.

Shri Sunil Arora (Hon'ble Chief Election Commissioner of India), Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal (Hon'ble MoS, Parliamentary Affairs) and Justice Shri A K Patnaik (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India) were the Chief Guests.  

This edition contains the complete report of the event, including the details of the speeches, awardees, links, etc.

We also carry an Editorial on the urgent need for Electoral Reforms.

You may  download the eMagazine PreSense from the following link.

Please also download and read the e-booklet on the exciting 12 years journey of Sansad Ratna Awards.

Please share this edition with your contacts.  Please also send us your feedback to

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

146th (April 2019) edition of eMagazine PreSense: Editorial on impact of Hung Parliament + Cover Story on overview of 17th General Elections + Global scenario of higher education + Interesting aspects of Black hole + women panelists on educating boys about good touch and bad touch + many more

Editorial team of PreSense is pleased to release the 146th (April 2019) edition of eMagazine broadly with the following contents:

1. Editorial  : K. Srinivasan writes on the impact of 'Hung Parliament' quoting past experiences.

2. Cover Story : K. Srinivasan writes on the magnitude of the ongoing 17th General Elections and the challenges faced by Election Commission.

3.  Education : Dr R Jagannathan writes on the global scenario of higher education and research.

4.  Technology :   During the panel discussion, the women panelists suggested to educated boys too about good touch and bad touch.  V Rajendran writes on the workshop held by Digital Security Association pf India.

5. Astronomy : Dr R Jagannathan writes on the interesting facts about 'Black hole'.

6. V Rajendran writes a report on the launch of another eMagazine DiSAI Quest by Digital Security Association of India (DiSAI).

7. Triambak's  Princetoon.

The eMagazine may also be downloaded from the link.

We request you to kindly share this with interested people.  Kindly share your feedback with us to our mail id

Friday, March 1, 2019

144th (Feb 2019) edition of eMagazine PreSense: Editorial on Palwama attack + Cover Story I on 16th Lok Sabha at a glance + Cover Story II on PreSense Lok Sabha Index developed by this ezine + Doordarshan turns 60 + Hype on Tik Tok + many more

Editorial Team of eMagazine PreSense is pleased to release the 144th (February 2019) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following contents:

1.  Editorial : Susan Koshy writes  on the recent  Pulwama attack and suggests the removal of Articles 35A and 370 to bring Kashmir into National mainstream.

2.  Cover Story 1 : Prime Point Srinivasan analyses the performance of 16th Lok Sabha and compares with 14th and 15th Lok Sabha.

3.  Cover Story 2 : PreSense has developed a new tool to evaluate the performance of Lok Sabha.  This tool 'PreSense Lok Sabha Index' is launched in this edition.

 4.  Nation : T N Ashok writes on Doordarshan, which turns 60 during 2019.

5.  Technology : V Rajendran writes on the hyped 'Tik Tok' App.

6.  Triambak Sharma presents 3D Prince cartoon.

The eMagazine may also be downloaded from the link.

We request you to kindly share this with interested people.  Kindly share your feedback with us to our mail id

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

120th (Feb 2017) Edition of ezine PreSense: Education that empowers (Editorial) + Cover Story on Interactive Session on Education Loan with MOS Finance + Budget Session Part I an Analysis + Rules for Sansad Ratna Awards 2017 + Launch of 104 Satellites by ISRO + Interview with Dr Agarwal, Advisor to former President Clinton + many more

We are please to release the 120th (February 2017) edition of ezine:  PreSense announces the 8th Edition of Sansad Ratna Awards to be held at IIT Madras on Saturday the 27th May 2017.  In this edition, we also announce the rules for Sansad Ratna Awards.   Sansad Ratna Awards is one of the initiatives of this ezine PreSense to honour the outstanding Indian Parliamentarians.  

This edition broadly contains the following:

Editorial : Susan Koshy, Editor writes on "Education that empowers'

Cover Story :  K. Srinivasan, Editor in Chief,  writes on the proceedings of the Interactive Session on Education Loan with Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon'ble Union Minister of State (Finance & CA) 

Nation: K. Srinivasan, Editor in Chief, analyses the performance of MPs till the end of Part I of Budget Session of Parliament.

Ignited Minds I - Dr Jagannathan, Editorial Advior writes on the success story of ISRO after the recent launch of 104 satellites. 

Ignited Minds I - Susan Koshy, Editor interviews Dr Agarwal,  Science and Technology Advisor to Former President Clinton on 'empowering girl child in rural India'. 

Snippet : Sukruti Narayanan, Editorial Team, writes on Oscar Awards.

Hindi Section:  Davinder Dhar writes on Dalai Lama

Cartoon :  Triambak's usual Prince cartoon.

The ezine may also be downloaded from the link

We are confident that our readers will enjoy this edition of ezine too.  Please send us your valuable feedback to us at  Please also share this ezine with your friends.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

93rd (Dec 2014) edition of ezine PreSense: Cover story on Rajaji + Analysis of Parliament function + Sanskrit as computer language + Is Money a Perfect Linguist? + many more

On behalf of Editorial Team of PreSense, I wish all the readers a very happy and prosperous New Year 2015.  

We are happy to release the 93rd (Dec 2014) edition of your ezine PreSense broadly with the following contents:

1.  Cover Story - Part I - Rajaji – Mahatma Gandhi’s Conscience Keeper, History’s Forgotten Hero – Role in Pre Independent era - (Rajaji's birth day and death day fall in December) - By K Srinivasan & Sukruti Vadula

2.  Cover Story - Part II - Rajaji's  Role in the Post-Independent Era - By K Srinivasan & Sukruti Vadula

3.  Inspiring quote from Dr Abdul Kalam - Schools and Colleges should introduce moral science 
classes once a week 

4.  Nation and Governance: Performance of the Parliamentarians (Individuals and States) till the End of the Winter Session 2014 - By K. Srinivasan

5.  Technology Corner: Sanskrit – The Ideal Language for the Computer and Artificial Intelligence - By Susan Koshy

6.  Between You and Me: Is Money a Perfect Linguist? - By Kavipriya (Reader's Column)

7.  PRince Cartoon - By Triambak Sharma

8.  Best of 2014 - From the archives of ezine PreSense 

The ezine may also be downloaded from the following link.

We request you to kindly share the ezine with your contacts.  Please also send us your feedback.

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