We are pleased to attach herewith the 85th (April 2014) edition of ezine PreSense with the following contents:
1. Cover Story on 'Mother Earth' - Need for protecting Mother Earth.
2. Ancient Indian Wisdom: Why Indian New years follow sixty years of calendar cycle? Interesting facts.
3. Remembering historic events relating to April - Jallianwala Bagha Massacre in April 1919 - unknown facts.
4. From the archives of April 2008 edition - Don't chase peripherals.
5. Controversy: Debate on Gujarat development model.
6. PRince cartoon
7. Inspiring quote of Dr Abdul Kalam.
We are confident that you will continue to enjoy this ezine as usual. Please share this with your contacts. Please send us your feedback.
This ezine may also be downloaded from the following link in pdf format (740k)