Editorial Team of eMagazine PreSense wishes all the readers and family members a very happy and prosperous New Year 2019. May the new year bring all prosperity to our Nation.
We are pleased to release the 142nd (December 2018) issue of eMagazine PreSense with the following contents:
1. Editorial: V Rajendran writes on India's political destiny. (based on Rajaji's Jail diary of 1921)
2. Cover Story: Susan Koshy writes on 'Our Soldiers, our Guardians', saluting our Armed Forces on the occassion of Flag Day (7th Dec)
3. Feature : Susan Koshy brings out an inspiring exclusive interview with Maj Gen Binoy Poonnen, AVSM, VSM, Mahar Regiment (Infantry) (Retired), whose family has contributed 21 members running through three generations to the Armed forces.
4. Technology : V Rajendran writes on Digital Signatures.
5. Health : Dr R Jagannathan writes on "Yoga - a precious gift from ancient India to mankind"
6. Announcement : Editorial Team announces the 10th edition of Sansad Ratna Awards event, an initiative of this eMagazine PreSense.
7. Triambak's Prince cartoon.
The ezine may also be downloaded from
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