Editorial Team of eMagazine PreSense is pleased to release the 144th (February 2019) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following contents:
1. Editorial : Susan Koshy writes on the recent Pulwama attack and suggests the removal of Articles 35A and 370 to bring Kashmir into National mainstream.
2. Cover Story 1 : Prime Point Srinivasan analyses the performance of 16th Lok Sabha and compares with 14th and 15th Lok Sabha.
3. Cover Story 2 : PreSense has developed a new tool to evaluate the performance of Lok Sabha. This tool 'PreSense Lok Sabha Index' is launched in this edition.
4. Nation : T N Ashok writes on Doordarshan, which turns 60 during 2019.
5. Technology : V Rajendran writes on the hyped 'Tik Tok' App.
6. Triambak Sharma presents 3D Prince cartoon.
The eMagazine may also be downloaded from the link.
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