We are pleased to release the 152nd (Oct 2019) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following contents.
1. Editorial : Susan Koshy writes on the News reporting turning out to be the reality shows.
2. Cover Story : Prime Point Srinivasan and Susan Koshy write on restoring the stolen heritage of India.
3. Health : In an Exclusive interview, Dr A V Srinivasan, Internationally renowned neurologiest explains as to how the Pranayama gets validated through recent Nobel laureates.
4. T N Ashok writes on the Nobel Memorial Prize 2019.
5. Brief report on the launch of Delhi Chapter of Next Gen Political Leaders (NGPL)
6. Triambak's Prince cartoon.
and many more.
This eMagazine PreSense may be downloaded from the link
We are confident that you will enjoy reading this edition too.
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