Editorial Team of PreSense is pleased to release the 165th (Nov 2020) edition of eMagazine PreSense broadly with the following contents:
Editorial: K. Srinivasan and Susan Koshy writes on the need for providing the traditional Siddha Medical system, the status it deserves.
Cover Story: K. Srinivasan writes on the new age Political Consultants, who manage the poll campaigns for political parties.
International: T N Ashok writes on the future of Indo-US relations, when the Biden regime takes over.
Events: G Priya Dharshnini Rahul writes the report on the Panel discussion on "Ethics in Politics"participated by Justice Shri A K patnaik and Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab.
International: Prof. Dr R Jagannathan writes on the Nobel Laureates 2020.
Triambak's Prince cartoon and the reports on the events organised by PreSense.
This edition may also be downloaded from the following link.
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