We are pleased to attach herewith 88th (July 2014) edition of ezine PreSense with the following contents.
This issue is unique in many ways.
(a) In the latest book "A Manifesto for Change' written by Dr A PJ Abdul Kalam & V Ponraj released in the market last week, Dr Kalam has made several references about Prime Point Foundation, your ezine PreSense and Sansad Ratna Award. T N Ashok reviews the book.
(b) Also, your ezine's cartoon character 'PRince' has completed 6 years of his cartoon journey with this issue. PRince has been our Brand Ambassador for all these years. We have reproduced in the 'archives' section, the launch of cartoon character in July 2008 by Dr Abdul Kalam. As a mark of celebration, we have published the cartoon images of Editor in Chief and Cartoonist Triambak Sharma in the issue.
(c) IIT Madras has developed an unique model for building low cost multi story housing using glass fibre and gypsum. . The Director of IIT Madras and the two Professors who are the brain behind this model explained the advantages of this model to our editorial team. Susan Koshy has written an exclusive article highlighting the achievement of IIT Madras and the importance of this model for future.
(d) The recent protest by IAS aspirants in Delhi to scrap 'CSAT preliminary examinations' on the grounds of discrimination has triggered lot of debate. This K. Srinivasan analyses the issue and suggests a suitable solution which the protesting IAS aspirants and political leaders will accept spontaneously without hesitation or debate.
(e) In the month of July, the nation celebrated ;Guru Poornima'. Under the Ancient Indian Wisdom section, Sukruti Vadula analyses the HR significance of Guru Poornima .
(f) BRICS 2014 Summit has brought India to centre stage. India will play a significant role in future in this Region. TN Ashok has brought out the importance of National Development Bank (NDB) in the cover story.
The ezine may also be downloaded in pdf format from the following link.
We hope you will enjoy this edition too. Please send us your feedback.