Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 2009 - Information overload

With the increase in technology, social media, mass media, the society is largely suffering from 'Information overload'. Even an ordinary event gets blasted through social media and mainline media. How does it affect the stakeholders?

Many Mergers and Joint ventures are over-hyped, creating more expectations from the stakeholders. The stakeholders get disappointed when the outcome is not according to the expectations, raised due to 'Information overload'.

Even a recent 'car launch' got a huge hype through social media and mass media. Probably, this scared away the prospective buyers and the registration did not match with the estimate of the company.

Is there any way, we can handle the Information overload? Is the 'Information overload' specific to certain cases or is it common amongst the corporates?

May 2009 issue of PR-e-Sense deals with the Information overload. This issue is guest edited by Prof. Martin Eppler, an eminent professor from Switzerland. He has also co-authored the Research initiated by International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).

The ezine may be downloaded from the following link (327 k in pdf format)

We have also interviewed Mr Madan Bahal, Mg. Director, Adfactors Public Relations as part of the lead story. Please listen to his podcast interview by clicking 'play' in the flash player. (This streaming of this audio will be smooth in broad band connections. If the streaming of audio is not smooth, you may right click this link and save the link (target) in your desktop as mp3 format and then listen). - 8 minutes

This podcast may also be listened from the following link

Friday, May 1, 2009

April 09 - Computer vulnerability and Information Security

Presently, Technology has grown enormously. All of us use desktop computers, laptop in different operating systems like Windows, linux, etc. All of us spend more time on internet. Every day, new virus gets circulated and all the computers in our office and at home are not safe. Without your knowledge, the data can be stolen from your system. Even the firewalls cannot prevent this. There may be some hole in your system, through which, the data can go out.

The online financial transactions also nowadays pose greater risk. Vulnerabilities in the Banking sites have enabled the hackers to spread their worm to the online users. Many users get cheated through fake emails asking for id and passwords.
More we use the Technology, more we will be exposing ourselves to a greater risk. A new terminology like 'Cyber terrorism' has also come into usage. In spite of all the various threats, sadly, there is less awareness amongst the Corporates and the users about the security of their own transactions. While, we cannot stop the growth of the technology and our usage, we need to guard ourselves from the bad effects of technology.

In the interest of the general public, this issue will deal with the fundamentals of computer vulnerabilities and how to protect ourselves from this 'greatest' risk. We want to create an awareness. We are fortunate to have Mr M L Srinivasan, Founder and CEO, ChennaiNet, a well known Security Expert to Guest Edit this issue.

The ezine may be downloaded from the following link (332 k in pdf format)

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