Happy New Year to all our readers. May the New Year 2020 bring more prosperity to our Nation.
The editorial team of eMagazine PreSense is pleased to release the 154th (Dec 2019) edition broadly with the following contents.
1. Editorial : Susan Koshy writes on the Citizens Amendment Act 2019 and the protests.
2. Cover Story : Prime Point Srinivasan and Prof. K. Prabhakar write on how the political parties misintrepret the words Nationalism and Secularism for political gains.
3. Health : Excerpt from the speeches of internationally renowned neurologist Dr AV Srinivasan on how mind controls brain which controls healt.
4. Prime Point Srinivasan writes on the performance of the Parliament upto the end of Winter Session 2019.
5. Triambak Sharma's Prince cartoon.
Digital Security Association of India (DiSAI), one of the initiatives of PreSense organises a full day seminar on Cyber crimes at Chennai. Details are given in this edition.
This edition may also be downloaded from the link
We are confident that you will continue to enjoy this edition too. Please share your feedback to editor@corpezine.com .