We are pleased to release the Feb 2014 (83rd) edition of your ezine PreSense. Now the 15th Lok Sabha has come to an end. The nation is preparing for the 16th General Elections and the announcement of the elections is expected any time. Unlike the previous elections, during this General Election, youngsters and first time voters are going to play a major role in electing the 16th Lok Sabha.
Voting is not only our fundamental right. It is also the fundamental duty and responsibility of every citizen to register himself/herself as a voter and cast his/her vote to the best candidate of his/her choice.
Before the General Elections are announced, through this ezine, we want to create an awareness about the Election Commission and the Electoral system. Every one of us should feel proud of our Election Commission. They are going to conduct the General Elections transparently (before the media) using 8.5 lakh polling stations, 11 lakh Electronic Voting Machines and 10 million officials/security forces. 815 million voters are eligible to vote in this 2014 elections. Indian General Election is the largest democratic exercise in the world.
Let us be proud of our democracy. Let us Celebrate Democracy.
Please read the ezine for more interesting details.
This ezine may also be downloaded from the link (pdf 780 k)